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will my back pain ever totally go away

I am a retired nurse. My mother was ill for many years and I cared for her, then I went (most naturally for me) into the nursing field.  I worked in a nursing home and lifted and tugged and did much physical work caring for my patients. Never did I have a back injury-never.


About 6 months ago, I helped an aging, overweight, widowed friend who was recovering from surgery.  I tugged and repositioned her in her bed.  I am guessing that is when I hurt my back.  I have suffered ever since.  I have had 2 epidural shots in my back from the sports injury doctor that my primary doctor sent me to and I also did all of the physical therapy sessions.  I still hurt. Will I ever be pain-free?  It has changed my life.  My gardening and all of my hobbies have ended.  I am sad.

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Gold Conversationalist

I am wondering how you are doing. 


@MrsBarbara54 wrote:

I am a retired nurse. My mother was ill for many years and I cared for her, then I went (most naturally for me) into the nursing field.  I worked in a nursing home and lifted and tugged and did much physical work caring for my patients. Never did I have a back injury-never.


About 6 months ago, I helped an aging, overweight, widowed friend who was recovering from surgery.  I tugged and repositioned her in her bed.  I am guessing that is when I hurt my back.  I have suffered ever since.  I have had 2 epidural shots in my back from the sports injury doctor that my primary doctor sent me to and I also did all of the physical therapy sessions.  I still hurt. Will I ever be pain-free?  It has changed my life.  My gardening and all of my hobbies have ended.  I am sad.


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Regular Contributor

Hi Barbara,

I am so sorry that you are in pain. I am a Nurse Anesthetist and have been involved in helping patients with those epidural injections. Did they help?


The reality is that chronic back pain is a leading cause of disability. I would definitely encourage you to continue with, or restart physical therapy. Also, some studies have shown massage to be as effective for back pain as pain medication. I would encourage you to find a good massage therapist and go 1-2 times a week and see how that helps. 


Personally, I had a terrible situation with my back related to sciatica a number of years ago. What saved me was a highly skilled chiropractor. It is important to research the chiropractor and to be comfortable with his/ her credentials and reputation. I never would have my neck adjusted, I’m too cautious for that, but the treatment for my back was amazing.


Please don’t give up. Chronic pain can change who you are, and life is too short to be suffering. I wish you well.



Periodic Contributor

Your kind answer was just what I needed.  To answer you, the 1st epidural lasted about 8 weeks and the 2nd one (so far) seems to be on track for longer! Yippee.  I also have now developed a nasty case of piriformitis and had to go back to the doctor and the Nurse Practitioner gave me this new diagnosis and a cortisone shot into my buttocks followed with a dry needling procedure.  She has told me to use ice, ice, ice and to wait 2 weeks and then begin (just as you mentioned) deep massage therapy to stop the muscle spasms in my buttock/hip region.  This NEW DX has actually usurped the back issue.


To help myself, I have joined the local gym and am doing water therapy walking in the pool.  This is a huge leap for me....but I truly want to be well and get back to my life.  I do not like the crabby person that I have become since having this pain.  I am truly hoping the combination of moving about in the pool, ice therapy, and the upcoming massage therapy is all that I need to be on the road to be recovered.  I am used to being the nurse, and I do not like being the patient at all.


Again, thanks for your nice response to someone who was really hurting and is still not out of the woods. 

Gold Conversationalist are you doing?  Did your back pain ever disappear?


@MrsBarbara54 wrote:

Your kind answer was just what I needed.  To answer you, the 1st epidural lasted about 8 weeks and the 2nd one (so far) seems to be on track for longer! Yippee.  I also have now developed a nasty case of piriformitis and had to go back to the doctor and the Nurse Practitioner gave me this new diagnosis and a cortisone shot into my buttocks followed with a dry needling procedure.  She has told me to use ice, ice, ice and to wait 2 weeks and then begin (just as you mentioned) deep massage therapy to stop the muscle spasms in my buttock/hip region.  This NEW DX has actually usurped the back issue.


To help myself, I have joined the local gym and am doing water therapy walking in the pool.  This is a huge leap for me....but I truly want to be well and get back to my life.  I do not like the crabby person that I have become since having this pain.  I am truly hoping the combination of moving about in the pool, ice therapy, and the upcoming massage therapy is all that I need to be on the road to be recovered.  I am used to being the nurse, and I do not like being the patient at all.


Again, thanks for your nice response to someone who was really hurting and is still not out of the woods. 


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Periodic Contributor

My back pain has never gone totally away and I suspect that it never will.  I am able to get by with 4 extra strength tylenol (2 with breakfast, 2 with supper) per day.  I have re-framed my life around my new reality.  I no longer do my beloved gardening because I do not bend as a precautionary thing.  I do my physical therapy and it keeps me going quite well.  It did take 2 epidurals and a huge realization that I cannot return to certain activities that I had enjoyed for years (ie my bending and gardening).  I am however still enjoying my gardening--because now I am an observer at the wonderful huge city garden here in my city.  It has a climatron and so I can go there in any weather and get my gardening "fix".  I have become a firm believer in physical therapy and have bought a fit bit watch and try to get 6,000 steps in a day.  I am still a long way from 10,000---but I am coming along and am basically totally managing my pain.  Life can throw challenges, but I try not to magnify them.  I am not always successful.  Having an avenue just to "talk" about some of life's aches and pains is very helpful for me for sure!  Thank you to everyone who kindly encourages me.

AARP Expert

I am so sorry you're going through this. My sister in law fell on her back hard and has since been struggling, seeing orthopedists, primary care docs, a chiropractor, and an acupuncturist. She has good days and bad days. She's in her mid 60s. Her next stop is Bowen Therapy. I 'll let you know if it helps her. Here's a video i found about it:


best of luck to you!


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Community Concierge

@MrsBarbara54 wrote:

I am a retired nurse. My mother was ill for many years and I cared for her, then I went (most naturally for me) into the nursing field.  I worked in a nursing home and lifted and tugged and did much physical work caring for my patients. Never did I have a back injury-never.


About 6 months ago, I helped an aging, overweight, widowed friend who was recovering from surgery.  I tugged and repositioned her in her bed.  I am guessing that is when I hurt my back.  I have suffered ever since.  I have had 2 epidural shots in my back from the sports injury doctor that my primary doctor sent me to and I also did all of the physical therapy sessions.  I still hurt. Will I ever be pain-free?  It has changed my life.  My gardening and all of my hobbies have ended.  I am sad.


I'm so sorry to hear that you are in chronic pain. I am not a medical professional, so don't feel comfortable giving much advice in this area, but we do have some videos on stretches for back pain that we recently developed with fitness guru, Denise Austin. Before commiting to any workout program however, I would suggest seeing your personal physician and discussing options with him or her. 




Please keep us posted on your progress. It's important that you aren't pain free so you can get back to enjoying life.  


Take care and write back. 

Caregiving Concierge
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