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AARP Tele-Town Hall: Caring for family during Coronavirus

UPDATE: In case you weren't able to attend the Tele-Town Hall here is the recording:


Join AARP and health experts for a special coronavirus live Q&A on Thursday, March 26, at 1:00 pm (EDT). At the appropriate time dial into 855-274-9507 for access.


Ask questions, hear the latest about the global crisis, and learn how you can best care for and stay connected with loved ones. The discussion will focus on the following areas:


  • Supporting loved ones who need care, including creating a care plan, coordinating supports and back-up care, and how to stay connected to loved ones in nursing homes or are isolated.
  • Accessing local resources to support loved ones and ensure adequate nutrition (such as meals and nutrition support).


Current proposed speakers for this tele-town hall include:


  • Dr. Donna Benton, PhD, Director of the USC Family Caregiver Support Center to address how family caregivers and their loved ones are responding to and coping with the realities on the ground.
  • TBD from The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), to address the nursing home visitation rule, resources that are available to help support loved ones, and how to protect yourself from the virus.
  • Administrator Robertson from the Administration for Community Living (ACL), to address Older Americans Act programs, family caregiver supports, and other resources that are available.
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