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AARP credit card from Barclays

AARP switched credit card from Chase VISA to Barclays MC. We had excellent experience with Chase for many years. They were supposed to have transferred all the data from Chase to Barclays. The cards were activated in late September and payment date was kept the same as 27th of the month. What they did not do is that our automatic payment from bank info was not carried over. So they assessed a $29 late fee without providing adequate notice or information. When I tried to contact on phone I was kept on "HOLD" for over 30 mins and still no response. So I finally hung up and sent a complaint through their website. In response all I got a bunch of apologies. I am going to stop using this card until I see an improvement. I have seen a lot of complaints about this switch by AARP, specially since we were used to an outstanding service from Chase for many years. Tried to talk to AARP customer service. Response was simply "we can't do anything at our end." WONDERFUL! This is what accounts for AARP member service!

Retired Moderator

Hi there, we tried to send you a private message, but got an error that you do not have private messages enabled. Sorry for the confusion. We'd be glad to help get your card activated and account sorted out by reaching out to Barclays on your behalf, so please use this link ( to submit a web help form and include the following information:

  • Full name
  • AARP membership # (or home address)
  • Best email address and phone #
  • Please mention that you are requesting an escalation because you are unable to get through to Barclays to get your card and online account activated.

This way, we can get the necessary information and get started with resolving your concern. We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate you informing us of your concern. We look forward to hearing from you soon!

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if you do not give me my aarp credit card link, I am going to google so everyone knows you useless


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Community Concierge

@AmadoA504534 Thanks for taking the time to reach out to AARP. The credit card is provided by Barclays and the link to their site is If you need to speak with someone at Barclays, their phone number is 866-564-3674. I'm always here to help if you need anything further!

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Regular Contributor

I just looked up a few of the comments on Facebook regarding BArklays... they have had problems with customer service and card service long before the AARP conversion... there are folks out there who have spent many months trying to get Barklays to acknowledge and correct all kinds of errors... So AARP obviously did not do any checking of Barklays reputation and practices, or they would have seen the huge red flags all over the place.


I also have had numerous problems with Barclays and I have been on the phone just about daily thru the month of December trying to get a fraud charge removed, and then they charged me again so I have two charges of the same amount.  I have talked to, at least, 7 different reps. and get nothing resolved.  Why isn't AARP checking this out.  I am furious.  I want to know if I can discontinue this card, and I will be trying to get in touch with someone else for my credit card needs.  

Periodic Contributor

Loyalty to AARP is not worth the endless suffering because of their careless mistake. I immediately took out a Chase Freedom Unlimited card and have been very happy with increased benefits. Frustration ended!

Retired Moderator

Hi Carolyn, AARP would be glad to look into your concern if you reach out to us directly. We'd be glad to help by reaching out to Barclays on your behalf, so please use this link ( to submit a web help form and include the following information:

  • Full name
  • AARP membership # (or home address)
  • Best email address and phone #
  • Description of your issue with Barclays
  • Please mention that you are requesting an escalation

We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate you informing us of your concern. We look forward to hearing from you soon!

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Regular Contributor

Also Vic, forgot to say when rec'd all info from Barclays, read very carefully, immediately stopped using,  paid Chase Balance by calling Chase for any on card when still could get thru,  immediately started moving all 5 automatic payments from Chase to my Credit Union ckg acct, very time consuming, scary all different set ups,  then rec'd stmt w zero balance, am so thankful did in hurry, sleepless nites.Waited for exact day to activate new card I had received, computer at Barclays and first ring, I only could get to ? Re my BD of 80 yrs, comp and "I don't understand, are you saying 1994, my yr is 1941, I was yelling correct no, day, yr, started crying I did my part carefully,  & this was unbearable with CL I needed out of my reach. I search for info from any source, stumbled on AARP community site, was horrified to see such unhelpful replies from AARP who I trusted for yrs to be a loyal defender of elderly. I see now they running ads on tv reaching out to younger folks just reaching 50, the age I joined 30 yrs ago. Thanks Vic for giving me courage to share, I was afraid to speak up. God help all who are helping elderly get thru this affront to our peace in these terrible times. Nan




Regular Contributor

I am 80. I have sought info since date tried to activate card I rec, did not accept BD due to Patriot Act I found out reading Aaron community site, thank you to all who brave enuf to share. I never stayed holding longer than 15 min, same msgs, same stupid music, hung up. Had Chase 30 yrs, had 20K line, always paid in full monthly, ner one prob on paper statements. Totally unprepared to first get huge postcard Barclays saying they new provider!! Days later an unsigned letter from Chase AARP sold pkg to B, never knew B existed!!! Big problem arrived, my sewer line needs replacement!! About a yr ago C lowered line to 10K, I could not find out what B CL would be, tried numerous times to reach CS or online too difficult. Applied Chase on my phone, went thru quickly, new card has $5400 CL, will not pursue open of B card. Will AARP also sell our Hartford Ins pkg & United Health pkg?? I am scared, been so stressed. Vic I don't know how to get this on community site. I so thankful I am not going thru this alone during Pandemic. I have old Amex card excellent 30 yrs always used paid was so thankful had. God Bless, we must help one another. Nan 

Regular Contributor

  • Don't know how to continue my posting so using reply area on one of my posts it's 10/13/21 & thank all I've been getting replies from, since the definition of Member, is one of a group in an trusted organization Google it. Says more. I trusted AARP, now I'm beginning to understand how we & all our info being marketed. Our financial info must be scattered to the Winds now. I will be really scanning next Bulletin from AARP, with all these comments printed for all to see, some older folks no access to community site for answers, want background info why Barclays chosen, why not more info,voting allowed by Members before this bombshell hit us. I did get Barclays closed calling # on back of card since bal zero I did have all electronics moved see one of my texts,no live person helped me when went thru short ???, Asked if I wanted letter sent proving acct closed, got it 2 days ago. I was afraid to pursue the Barclay card so many errors reported, I did not know B was offering me same line had at Chase 30 yrs until in process of closing was kept a secret when rec'd card in mail. I really needed CL since must replace old sewer line, but felt unsafe with all chaos. It is so wrong in these times we going thru to put such stress on elderly. Thank all who have shared your stories, only way I able to decide what to do, so glad quickly approved by Chase on 6 min application on my smartphone,card arrived 5 days, activated told use immediately, went Walmart got grocery, no embarrassment, accepted, breathed sigh of relief. I recommend Chase to all, excellent service 30 yrs. May God give all still having problems, get help from family to get your affairs in order, Grace & PEACE be yours! Nan




The switch to the Barclay card was a REAL DISAPPOINTMENT!


You eliminated the vary things most people used the most!



Regular Contributor

@vicvarma AARP Member Benefits Team here to help. We certainly understand your concern regarding the service provided by Barclays. We’d be happy to forward your concern to the Escalation team we work with at Barclays for their thorough review and investigation if you’d like. To do this, we will need more information. Please send me a private message in the AARP Online Community by clicking this link and entering my username, “AARPLakeisha” into the “Send to” box Please provide the following details in your message:

  • Your first & last name
  • AARP membership number (or home address)
  • Best contact phone number

We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate you informing us of your concern. We look forward to hearing from you soon!

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I am also very angry at the change from Chase to Barclay's.  Barclay's has the worst customer service of anyone I've  dealt with.  All you get is the run around, and nothing gets resolved.  I was scammed, and have been calling Barclays all month trying to get my problem resolved.  I have sent letters thru the mail also to prove my case.  Now, I get charged again for the same amount.  What a way to make money off their customers!! I am furious.  I am heart sick over this.  It ruined my whole Christmas.  

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Trusted Social Butterfly

It's a nightmare. I have wonderful credit, but will probably get late fees on my transfered balance on my Visa. I hope they send a bill, but I need to activate the card. I tried online, but I was locked out because some item didn't match. I think I'm going to dump both AARP and Barclays. I have other credit cards, but I'm just afraid that my balance will keep getting late fees. No one should be subjected to this kind of treatment.

Retired Moderator

Hi there, we tried to send you a private message, but got an error that you do not have private messages enabled. Sorry for the confusion. We'd be glad to help get your card activated and account sorted out by reaching out to Barclays on your behalf, so please use this link ( to submit a web help form and include the following information:

  • Full name
  • AARP membership # (or home address)
  • Best email address and phone #
  • Please mention that you are requesting an escalation because you are unable to get through to Barclays to get your card and online account activated.

This way, we can get the necessary information and get started with resolving your concern. We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate you informing us of your concern. We look forward to hearing from you soon!

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