AARP Eye Center
I am Canadian with a US dollars Visa Card. Other Canadians have purchased Cruise gift cards without a problem. I am trying to get to the purchase page but cannot become a member. I was told you do not have to be a member to purchase Carnival, Holland America gift cards. You just need to have a US dollars credit card. Does anyone have the answer to this question? Please help.
@VickyS504130 AARP membership is required to purchase the discounted gift cards for Carnival that are currently being offered by the AARP Rewards program. If you'd like to take advantage of this offer and purchase a Carnival gift card, you can become a member by joining here:
You do not need to be an AARP member to purchase the discounted Holland America gift cards that are currently being offered by the AARP Rewards program. I invite you to check out all of the travel gift cards that are available for members and non members here: Please let me know if you have any questions, we're here to help!
Hello Janelle. I just signed up as an AARP member based on this information saying that a Canadian can buy Carnival gift cards. But now I am seeing that I need an American phone number in order to sign up for the rewards program. I am a bit disappointed that I put out the money for the membership and I can’t purchase the gift cards. Is there a way for me to purchase them or is your previous information incorrect?
@JasonM720905 Thanks for joining AARP! Unfortunately, a Canadian phone # cannot be used to verify your Rewards account. Only users within the 50 United States and the District of Columbia are able to participate in the AARP Rewards program. Sometimes, users may hold addresses in different countries which allow them to use a US address/payment method and phone #. I sincerely hope you reconsider and decide to stick with us. Your membership includes a long list of carefully selected discounts, products and services. Have you seen them all? I invite you to explore our site:
When I look at the cards available, it appears that you need to be a member to purchase the Carnival gift cards. It doesn't say that for the Hollard America cards. Have you tried buying the Holland Amerca cards? It doesn't say you need to me a member for the Princess cards either. So looks like you would need to sail on Holland or Princess to use cards purchased here.
Just con't buy a Holland America card and try to use it on Carnival. That won't work and there are no refunds on cards purchased.
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