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Remember that Special "Mom" Today

As I thought about Mother’s Day, I wanted to thank all of those individuals who over the years provided caring and loving support to me at critical times. I think this feeling goes beyond the traditional “Mom” thinking and should extend to others who have made a difference in our lives.  Teachers, mentors, aunts, sisters, neighbors, etc come to mind. So please if you can take some time to reach out to those “Moms” who are with us today. This loving gesture is just what they and you need.  Happy Mother’s Day to all.  Your friend, Sue

Esteemed Social Butterfly

(Nicole deleted her comment)

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Gold Conversationalist

Hi Sue @SueS788527

AMEN! Let us also remember all the step moms,

 and foster moms too!

Happy Mother’s Day to you and all the members here!

Especially those I’ve interacted with before, such as Lee @LeeS4949 @mc6844 @jonibee Marcy @MarcyW882921 @KimberlyM389662 @Cadee2719 [CONGRATS on making the move ‘Ms. Idaho’ !!] and ...let’s see.... there was this one I vaguely remember....


but can’t recall the name...wait...oh yeah...why that would be>>>>>>> @SummerIsTooHOT LOL!

Of course extra big


Hope you’re all doing well!

Please have a wonderful week too!

Stay safe....&...Take care!

☮️  ~Allen 🌈


I normally don't respond to specific posts (and Allen I appreciate your well wishes to us on the Grief Forum); however, I am concerned about what could be perceived as the tongue and cheek comment about Nicole.  She means well and is enthusiastic about sharing.  I don't think it is appropriate to single her out and start making fun about a serious topic.  I am still taking my grieving very seriously and don't want readers of this public site to feel we are just kidding around.  We should refrain from singling people out since it may have a chilling effect on others who may want to make comments.  At the end of the day, we are here to "listen" and provide comments on grief and our experiences.  I felt it important to share my feelings on the direction of the subsequent posts on this serious topic. Sue

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Thank You for thinking of me on Mothers Day and for your support.  It means a lot to me.

Gold Conversationalist

Hi @Cadee2719

You’re very welcome!


While my time on this AARP site is very limited, I wanted to let you know I appreciate much of what you have written over time.


In particular, when you said about: “I am sad that my beautiful neighborhood in California became a haven for the homeless, crime and fear” That has also happened to where I’ve lived in my present home...the 1st one I bought, decades ago.

All the good friends I’ve had have either moved... or passed on! The condos changed from mostly owner-occupied who were actively engaged in fixing issues & improving it, ... to mostly renters who don’t care about anything ...not to be helpful, or trying to be friendly, or civil or respectful!


But also the part where you mentioned that:

“I feel safe, I am in a community of kind and helpful people, love my new home,  am able to go any where I want and not be afraid”....

is encouraging ....& I’ve been on a slow path (takes so much time...especially finding the right contractors...& BEAUCOUPS of money.... as you know...LOL) to remodeling order to sell,... & move to a similar situation as you have! 🙂


IMHO: you definitely earned that... by your hard work.... & persistence!

Take care ~Allen

Esteemed Social Butterfly

(Nicole deleted her comment)

Gold Conversationalist

Lol Allen @Therapist4u , you are a mess!!! 


  Well....I've always agreed with you on that 👍



~~Your 4Evah Friend!


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