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What is AARP doing to ensure COVID vaccine priorities?

Periodic Contributor

What is AARP doing to ensure COVID vaccine priorities?


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Periodic Contributor

What is being said or done to support those of us 60-64 and then 50-59? We are all part of the AARP constituency and our risks of complication or death are still high.  And how many of us have extra medical conditions that place us at even higher risk?  Why are we being ignored?

Periodic Contributor

Your immune system isn’t designed to get vaccines. Moreover, the COVID-19 vaccine really isn’t a vaccine in the medical definition of a vaccine. It’s more accurately an experimental gene therapy.

COVID-19 “vaccines” do not impart immunity or inhibit transmissibility of the disease. They only are designed to lessen your infection symptoms if or when you get infected. As such, these products do not meet the legal or medical definition of a vaccine

By referring to COVID-19 vaccines as “vaccines” rather than gene therapies, the U.S. government is violating its 15 U.S. Code Section 41, which regulates deceptive practices in medical claims.

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Honored Social Butterfly

Here you see an example of what happens when we hear from a non medical person on a subject only medical experts know and understand.  Never listen to any one but Medical experts on medical subjects. AARP should not even allow non medical people to give medical advice on its web site, as that is how people get hurt badly.


John, cm5504903 copied & pasted that nonsense (without attribution) from an article by Dr. Joseph Mercola.


Calling Mercola a "medical person" is a stretch, because Mercola is not a Medical Doctor, he's an osteopath, and a notorious quack. The QuackWatch website (by Stephen Barrett, MD) calls Mercola, "the world’s most dangerous supplier of health misinformation."


Lying is central to Mercola's business model, which is:  Step 1: make outrageous claims in opposition to all medical evidence, which appeal to people who distrust the medical establishment, and mislead them. Then Step 2: sell them snake oil.


It has been very lucrative. His medical scams apparently rake in several million dollars per month.

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Periodic Contributor

Vaccine defined: any preparation used as a preventive inoculation to confer immunity against a specific disease, usually employing an innocuous form of the disease agent, as killed or weakened bacteria or viruses, to stimulate antibody production.

These first two COVID vaccines are different from normal vaccines because they use Messenger RNA science instead of a weakened virus to stimulate the antibody generation. But they are still vaccines. 

Honored Social Butterfly

I don’t think that this is a situation that AARP created, although they can now help with. 
We are now living with the disorganization from the trump distribution plan...which basically didn’t exist. 

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Periodic Contributor

I understand the current supply is limited and you can debate all the reasons for this. I did not bring up anything on President Trump. 

The question remains who should be first in line? (Most vulnerable / seniors.) And secondly who is out there advocating for this and fighting to make sure the distributions are done fairly? This should be a major issue for AARP to get behind and push. 

Periodic Contributor

I am an RN from Ohio who works at home due to multiple high risk factors, 63 years of age. Ohio is one of the strictest states for who can get the vaccine and didn't follow the CDC recommendations except for the 70 and over. After that they gave to teachers, school administrators, morticians, police, etc. I can't even get it as an RN because I work at home even though they are asking for volunteers (vets, nursing assistants etc) for a vaccine/disaster program to give vaccinations.  If they offered the vaccine to all RN's who work at home or are retired like other states, they would have thousands more nurses to give the vaccines.  I am horrified that so many states are not prioritizing those 60 and over with heart disease, asthma, type 2 diabetes and immune compromised which are the number 2 population of hospitalized and dying patients from Covid (those 75 and over being the most likely in this group).


What is AARP doing about this? We are your members and I see nothing being done. I'm even willing to join a protest at a state capitol for this issue if AARP organizes it. 

Periodic Contributor

Glad to hear over 70 is a priority. I would think Healthcare would be up at the top. Glad to hear they are at least trying to enforce the rules.. 

I know in our state people are cutting ahead in line. Trying to get an appointment is horrible - phone or computer free for all. When some seniors do not have computers they are at big disadvantage. I have not heard they are doing anything for nursing homes or VA centers.

I am disappointed AARP has not led some kind of effort to address this. 

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Periodic Contributor

I think they are advocating for 65+ but their constituency extends beyond that.  I'm mighty angry that at 63, with hypertension, NO ONE is advocating for me.  In other states (like NY), I'd be eligible right now.  In CA, I'm pretty much last in line, with only a small fraction of 20-49 year olds behind me.  I have contacted AARP repeatedly and just as with my state reps, I've gotten no answer.   

Periodic Contributor

I agree! We seniors need to stand up for ourselves. I'm disappointed Biden didn't create a national priority list when he took office. He said he couldn't that the states had to do it but I've heard from other reputable sources he could have federally mandated it. I believe that because back in the day the programs to vaccinate for polio, small pox etc were federally mandated and organized.  We could go to 30 states and be vaccinated due to our age and risk factors but not the ones we live in because if yours is like Ohio, our governors are caving to teachers and other special interest group who have not been proven by research to be at high risk for severe illness.  

Honored Social Butterfly

My two cents: The problem seems to be availability of the vaccine(s).  A "warp speed" approach (like Trump did producing vaccines in record time) is needed by Biden.  The vaccine must be available in large quantities.  It must be available at the same places people receive their annual flu shots now: Sam Club, Costco, Walmart, CVS, Walgreens, Publix, and the local doctors office.  This way you can receive it without a reservation system or computer.  If production is a problem, the have the same places give it out to those over 95 FIRST, after that those over 90,...


I don't expect too much hope from Biden since he got his shot!

Periodic Contributor

You've got to be kidding.  Not only didn't Trump work at warp speed, he failed to order enough vaccine and he hid the fact that he didn't have the reserves he claimed.  And at the same time, he undermined the efforts to control the virus by hosting and attending superspreader events, failing to wear a mask, even lying about testing.  

We are now dealing with the fruits of his criminal negligence.  There's no supply and we are struggling to get up to speed.  We need a much better system in place from the feds and also from the states-that have had MONTHS to put it in place. I'm thoroughly disgusted with Newsom in CA.


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Honored Social Butterfly


My two cents: The problem seems to be availability of the vaccine(s).  A "warp speed" approach (like Trump did producing vaccines in record time) is needed by Biden.  The vaccine must be available in large quantities.  It must be available at the same places people receive their annual flu shots now: Sam Club, Costco, Walmart, CVS, Walgreens, Publix, and the local doctors office.  This way you can receive it without a reservation system or computer.  If production is a problem, the have the same places give it out to those over 95 FIRST, after that those over 90,...


I don't expect too much hope from Biden since he got his shot!

Yes the problem has been availability. There Was no warp speed under Trump as we know now there was no where near the amount of vaccine under Trump as he told us there was.

Biden had to start just about from scratch, we are now just getting things working the way they should.

Honored Social Butterfly

There Was no warp speed under Trump as we know now there was no where near the amount of vaccine under Trump as he told us there was.


Trump's "warp speed" was in fact getting the vaccine ready for approval and initial doses were ready.  Joke Biden is set (or not set) to distribute those doses in "warp speed".  Maybe Joke is a turtle and that's his definition of "warp speed".

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Honored Social Butterfly


There Was no warp speed under Trump as we know now there was no where near the amount of vaccine under Trump as he told us there was.


Trump's "warp speed" was in fact getting the vaccine ready for approval and initial doses were ready.  Joke Biden is set (or not set) to distribute those doses in "warp speed".  Maybe Joke is a turtle and that's his definition of "warp speed".

Facts back up what Biden told us. Getting it ready for approval was not the problem. We were not told the truth about how many what you call initial doses were made. 

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